添加时间:沃尔玛方面透露,调整已有门店的同时,还会新增门店,包括大卖场和山姆会员店。责任编辑:刘万里 SF014来源丨21世纪经济报道(ID:jjbd21)记者丨王营尽管房地产市场屡遭调控管制,但房价永远是人们关心的热门话题。香港瑞安集团主席罗康瑞感慨称,“我是来自香港,我看见房价高的危害,现在在香港的年轻人基本上没办法买得起房子。现在(香港)开发商做的15平方米房子还要卖几百万,15平方米怎么住?我相信我们国家不会走向这样。但是如何推出长效机制,而不要令房地产市场死掉,这也是需要大家研究好的。我相信市场的改变现在才刚刚开始。”
In evaluating next steps, the Chinese people first have to ask whether U.S. criticisms are fair. It’s true that economic growth hasn’t produced in China a political system similar to the U.S.’s. Interestingly, I recall attending an American government program in the mid-1990s designed for diplomats from developing nations. The topic was U.S. security strategy and policy-making. I had one question: What were America’s strategic objectives for the post-Cold War era? The answer was unambiguous: to promote U.S.-style democracy and human rights worldwide. And indeed, the U.S. has pursued those goals consistently over the last two decades, at huge cost to itself and others.
If China and the U.S. work together, they can achieve major successes. Confrontation, by contrast, would be enormously harmful for both countries and the wider world. American and Chinese leaders cannot afford to make misjudgments on the fundamental issue of each other’s intentions, or we will all lose out in a fruitless downward spiral.